Albany to Rotto via boat
Submitted by Josh on Thu, 2024-10-10 09:50
Hey Guys,
Since moving down to Albany a few years ago, I have been missing weekends at Rotto.
My Mrs then suggested why don't I drive the boat up via the ocean.
The idea is growing on me, I was wondering if anyone else has done that trip before?
I have a 23ft Carribbean with a diesel and a comfortable 300km range with a 20% reserve. Obviously plus Jerrys on the deck.
I was thinking of stopping:
- Walpole
- Augusta,
- Dunsborough,
- Perth to pickup the Mrs
- Rotto for a couple of nights.
Then she can tow the trailer up & we will tow it home.
Posts: 749
Date Joined: 22/08/12
Why not just tow boat up to perth
launch off hillarys leave trailer in carpark pay for extra days car and trailer in carpark while at rotto. Will be alot cheaper I think.
Silver Fox
Posts: 1118
Date Joined: 19/06/14
As above.
You might be able to get there in one piece easily if all goes well, if stuff goes pear shaped it's going to be a schemozzle. Finding a good weather window for the trip could be a looooong and tricky excercise. Tow your boat up and launch from Perth. Less chance for colossal stuff to go wrong. This will give you more time at Rotto. Even better bypass Rotto and go hit the Monties!.
My wife understands why I clean my rods n reels in the shower....
Posts: 1273
Date Joined: 02/02/09
That will be a great trip I
That will be a great trip I reckon. Perhaps consider driving the boat to Rotto for the ultimate mission, get someone to take your car and trailer up to Freo and tow it home. Then you can relax fully knowing its a one-way trip and wont have to worry about a return voyage
Bodgy 79
Posts: 298
Date Joined: 04/08/22
Very exposed along that part
Very exposed along that part of the south.Would see a weather window safe enough maybe twice a year if your lucky and if you get caught out it's a long way to any sort of refuge.
Also couldn't get in or out of Walpole 3 weeks ago but it may have cleared out a bit by now,will see on the weekend.Can be tricky to navigate at best times especially if you haven't before and especially inbound from the ocean.
I would tow at least over to the west coast
Posts: 3915
Date Joined: 14/10/12
Honestly, i dont know your
Honestly, i dont know your experience but i really dont know why you would want to put that many hours on a 23 footer.
Yeah, it was would be a great experience but finding the right weather window to get across the bottom wouldnt something you could book a based on a desired date. You would need to aim for april/may and hope the weather lines up for a few days.
And there is a whole lot of alone time out there if something goes wrong with only limited support options.
You'd be keen but its a no from me in a 23 footer.
Augusta up would be fun. and somewhere to hide isnt too far away if you need it.
Rob H
Posts: 5822
Date Joined: 18/01/12
Have done it many times in
Have done it many times in my fishing career.
The corner at Leeuwin itself is always shitty, but certainly it'd be possible IF you have the experience, time (to wait for weather windows) and your boat doesnt let you down.
Of course if you change your mind theres no reason she cant come to say Augusta and retrieve etc.
Personally, I'd only do it with a twin as there is an awfully inhospitable coastline and a breakdown could have you waiting and praying your anchor holds you off Australia
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The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.
Everyone's just winging it.
Posts: 283
Date Joined: 14/09/10
Thanks for the feedback
Thanks for the feedback guys,
Sounds like tow the boat up and spend the week at Rotto is definitely the go