Tasselled Leatherjacket

Tasselled Leatherjacket

 Caught off Rockingham Jetty. Easter Sunday 2012.

nickster's picture

Posts: 37

Date Joined: 23/12/09


Mon, 2012-04-09 14:39


Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18090

Date Joined: 11/03/08

 never seen or heard of them

Mon, 2012-04-09 18:48

 never seen or heard of them before. certainly different


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

Glenn Moore's picture

Posts: 228

Date Joined: 13/02/12

Prickly Leatherjacket

Wed, 2012-04-11 10:26

It is called a Prickly Leatherjacket Chaetodermis penicilligera.  Reasonably common from the south-west corner northwards and all through the tropics too.  They are supposedly good eating.   


Glenn Moore

Curator of Fishes

Western Australian Museum

twitter @WestOzFish