

Abu Garcia's picture

Posts: 78

Date Joined: 04/05/06


Sat, 2006-05-13 15:56

hey what fish is that

jay_burgess's picture

Posts: 4648

Date Joined: 18/08/05

estuary cod

Sat, 2006-08-26 14:56

estuary cod

frizza's picture

Posts: 212

Date Joined: 08/09/05

what fish is that

Sat, 2006-08-26 20:54

[img_assist|fid=6715|thumb=0|alt=bens cod]
looks like a slimy driller with a ecta dod, hahaha
lets go fishing mitch.

leave nothing but footprints,take nothing but memories and maybe a few fillets and a muddie or two

mitch's picture

Posts: 1285

Date Joined: 14/08/05


Sun, 2006-08-27 07:19

you just finishing.building the crusher.then we can go for a fish.i have to go to exmouth soon anyway .check me new abode.wooooohooooo more money i owe the bank
always in it just the depth that varies

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15656

Date Joined: 29/11/05


Sun, 2006-08-27 10:26

Planning on moving to paradise sometime soon Mitch? Lucky bugger. :))


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