Dean's mate Niall with a nice Redfin Perch caught at Harvey.

Dean's mate Niall with a nice Redfin Perch caught at Harvey.

Faulkner Family's picture

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Sat, 2008-09-13 23:45

good catch



"A family that fishes together stays together"


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

boofhead's picture

Posts: 533

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nice redfin....... would

Sat, 2008-09-13 23:58

nice redfin....... would fill the dinner plate nicely


cheers Jes

When you go fishing and you catch something, that's good. If you're making love and you catch something, that's bad.

SPESS's picture

Posts: 3356

Date Joined: 29/12/06

Sherbert is that my redfin

Sun, 2008-09-14 07:51

Sherbert is that my redfin spot your taking evryone too mate!lol. great fish. But i know thats my spot! hahahhhaa

Keep it tight, reeeeeeel tight!


Dreamweaver's picture

Posts: 4688

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Good Redfin

Sun, 2008-09-14 08:02

Decent size! 

Colin Molloy

(Colin 2 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)



Soon to be de "dreamweaver" ed!

sherbert's picture

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No spess

Sun, 2008-09-14 08:21

NO SPESS   Thats the east side  You were fishing the westside of the bridge

Great fish m8


Born to fish forced to work


Assassin landbase fishing club

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Date Joined: 18/05/08


Sun, 2008-09-14 08:22

 do you know what he was using for bait /lures /plastics

Cheers Uncle Stu


UncutTriggerInWA's picture

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Live Baits for Redfin

Sun, 2008-09-14 09:03

 That's a nice fish! 

This is one of my old stomping grounds well before they did all this work to the dam. We used to have great fun catching minnows and using them as live bait for Perch. A single sharp hook just behind the head and cast near a fallen tree or whatever. We had some great results and there are some really big buggers out there.

Cheers, Vince


Work Smart - Fish Often


Work smart and fish often.
Member and die-hard supporter of the mighty West Coast Eagles.

Dean's picture

Posts: 1943

Date Joined: 23/02/07

was caught on a Halco

Sun, 2008-09-14 11:12

was caught on a Halco scorpion crawfish colour.

great pic

SamC's picture

Posts: 2013

Date Joined: 30/08/06

Thumping reddy, good fish

Sun, 2008-09-14 11:14

Thumping reddy, good fish mate!

Was down at harvey two weekends ago and got plenty of redfin, none that size though..





Dean's picture

Posts: 1943

Date Joined: 23/02/07

How many trout sam?

Sun, 2008-09-14 11:24

How many trout sam?

SamC's picture

Posts: 2013

Date Joined: 30/08/06

None :( only about half a

Sun, 2008-09-14 11:27

None :( only about half a dozen redfin!

Saw a few guys getting a couple of rainbows on fly and a nice brown aswell, so thats why i want to get a fly combo

gonna head down for a overnighter next weekend if your keen?





Dean's picture

Posts: 1943

Date Joined: 23/02/07

Yeah mate, been trying to do

Sun, 2008-09-14 11:33

Yeah mate, been trying to do that the last couple of weeks but been busy. I have work but will see what i can do.

When we went down, it was pretty quiet aswell.

Redfin 4 Life's picture

Posts: 942

Date Joined: 07/11/09

Nice Redfin!!!

Wed, 2009-11-11 07:34

that is a nice redfin seen one like that the other day but couldnt hook the bugger.

did he put up a good fight???




sherbert's picture

Posts: 4717

Date Joined: 10/09/06

Big fight

Wed, 2009-11-11 09:35

It was a bad day not alot hooked, But a great redfin went off big time

We got some big browns the trip befor




Assassin landbase fishing club

Roger Knife's picture

Posts: 710

Date Joined: 12/01/09

good perch that, wouldnt

Wed, 2009-11-11 16:28

good perch that, wouldnt mind a few of them over here!!


Honorary Aussie and "foreign correspondant" for fishwrecked reel time. Make sure you have subscribed to:

Redfin 4 Life's picture

Posts: 942

Date Joined: 07/11/09

was fishing around balingup

Sun, 2009-12-20 21:05

was fishing around balingup today and picked up a couple of redfin on a halco scorpion in the brown trout pattern. The redfin do like those lures if you present them the right way.
