Blue eye Trevalla

Blue eye Trevalla

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"Its a life style job"

scotto's picture

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You bewdy

Thu, 2011-08-11 13:40

Well done mate.

Can I ask what depth?

hlokk's picture

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Awesome fish Tony. I remember

Thu, 2011-08-11 13:44

Awesome fish Tony. I remember last week talking to you about needing to crack a Trevalla.

Btw, you should also crack a ruby, broady and winter blue marlin. (Can I expect results next week?)

Gonna have a crack at guessing the depth: >100m? Am I right? lol

soupster51's picture

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Thu, 2011-08-11 13:46

Nice deepwater fish. Looks like a reasonable day out on the water as well.


The best reason for doing what's right today is tomorrow.

southcity104's picture

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I may have been the closest

Thu, 2011-08-11 14:00

to mr swordfish than ive ever been yesterday. We were far enough out! But i did hook and drop something with serious power. Emptied the electric and headed for the horizon. At no point did we gain anything. Ended sadly with a leader bust off at the swivel. Who knows what it was?? Shark, ray, swordy, Colins class?


"Its a life style job"

soupster51's picture

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Thu, 2011-08-11 15:18

I guess you could claim it nearly...... . Enough time spent out there and you'll crack it I have no doubt.


The best reason for doing what's right today is tomorrow.

Bodie's picture

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haha matt possibly 350m+ :D

Thu, 2011-08-11 14:02

haha matt possibly 350m+ :D

MattMiller's picture

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Well done Tony

Thu, 2011-08-11 14:11

good to see all the time and effort is reaping rewards.

Gotta get out there soon.


Ryan C's picture

Posts: 1575

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nice one

Thu, 2011-08-11 15:20

great fish mate, some tasty fillets there! well done  .

Lucky Tim's picture

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congrats Tony, plenty of time

Thu, 2011-08-11 16:01

congrats Tony, plenty of time and fuel has gone into that one. Did you find a loner or some potential holding ground?

Pity about the unstoppable too, it always irks my when I lose a good fish I don't get to ID first.

Posts: 9358

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Great fish Tony, and well

Thu, 2011-08-11 16:27

Great fish Tony, and well deserved after the poking around for it.


Posts: 161

Date Joined: 14/07/08

You cracked it

Thu, 2011-08-11 16:27

Awesome fish.


Did something munch on the back end of it?


Looks a bit chewed.





southcity104's picture

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yeah Tim

Thu, 2011-08-11 17:56

Miles of very little then the sounder lights up. We had 2 good fish and headed for home.


Never noticed that conrad! It didnt look like it, probly damage from the rig.


Tasted great too! It had a creamy taste to the flesh with a unique flavour.


"Its a life style job"

grantarctic1's picture

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Nice fish

Thu, 2011-08-11 20:14

Very nice fish, i was going to ask how they were on the tooth and you answered already,

STEVE231's picture

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 Well done Tony, you have got

Thu, 2011-08-11 18:14

 Well done Tony, you have got that deep water sussed, top fish.

Paul G's picture

Posts: 5215

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Nice one Toni thats my next

Thu, 2011-08-11 18:16

Nice one Toni thats my next fish ,will need to go a little deeper.Well done


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Lamby's picture

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Great stuff Tony, well done

Thu, 2011-08-11 18:43

Great stuff Tony, well done big grats

harro's picture

Posts: 1959

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well done tony

Thu, 2011-08-11 19:02

awesome bro, bet your stoked hey!!, got my TM 260 on the 585 now, and some time off work coming up ,

gonna get an elec this week, spent some $$ on the boat getting her ready for some deep carnage, cant wait... is urs 50khz tony? the 260,



 :::: Bass Hunter ::::

southcity104's picture

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Looks like the deep was firing yesterday!

Thu, 2011-08-11 20:07

I would recomend seeing taylor marine harro. Depending on what hull you have will determin what transducer to run. I have the dual set up through a splitter box. Works well through to the 600's


"Its a life style job"

alfred's picture

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Top fish there Tony!

Thu, 2011-08-11 20:11

Top fish there Tony!

wangler's picture

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My time will come..

Thu, 2011-08-11 20:21

Well done !

Did your sounder struggle a bit to hold bottom in the sloppy conditions ? I was in the 320 -420m mark yesterday, plenty of activity but only managed the green eyes and a 6ft whaler shark


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Goodz's picture

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 Great fish Tony! Got to be

Thu, 2011-08-11 20:24

 Great fish Tony! Got to be one of the best tasting fish I've ever eaten, almost melts in your mouth! Would love to have seen that one come to the surface.




southcity104's picture

Posts: 1659

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yep Dougie

Thu, 2011-08-11 20:45

running with it was good but running back over the marks was difficult. The trevalla was beast! It took over 15 minutes to the boat. Solid runs back to the bottom. Fought all the way. The tanacom was well toastie after, which makes me think a command 8-10 could be next?


"Its a life style job"

harro's picture

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Thu, 2011-08-11 21:30

yeah got a southbound bro, plate ally, back transom mount, think petes done a water test and A ok atm, but wouldnt of gone to deep , do you run the 260? the specs recomend it , i was gonna go the 295 but chose the cheaper option as i got the sonic hunb and new radios and gas seats put on, , mrs aint seen the bill yet, come to think of it , i havent either lol, go a cple of 12v connectors put in port side for 2 x elec reels under the gunnel, tucked away, who sells the best elecs ?? in perth, etc


 :::: Bass Hunter ::::

Pete D's picture

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Congrats on the Trevella Tony

Sat, 2011-08-13 08:36

Congrats on the Trevella Tony - great fish and very tasty indeed.

Cheers Pete

mightymouse's picture

Posts: 395

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Well done Tony Great fish

Sun, 2011-08-14 07:24

Well done Tony
Great fish one on my hit list for sure