64kg doggie

64kg doggie

64kg doggie...yeeew

Man Overboard's picture

Posts: 957

Date Joined: 16/01/10

That is a dead set Brute !!

Mon, 2011-03-07 15:21

That is a dead set Brute !!

Posts: 18

Date Joined: 21/02/11

huge doggie....yeeeewww

Mon, 2011-03-07 15:23

huge doggie....yeeeewww

Man Overboard's picture

Posts: 957

Date Joined: 16/01/10

Mate, have a go at the

Mon, 2011-03-07 15:26

Mate, have a go at the choppers on him,


Meaner than a pit bull

Posts: 1136

Date Joined: 10/06/09

i hope they come down to

Mon, 2011-03-07 15:31

i hope they come down to perth one day


getting the bottom line final answer from a bunch of blokes that use false names and put smiley faces at the end of paragraphs is not the best place in the world to get the information you seek.

uncle's picture

Posts: 9517

Date Joined: 10/02/07

well done

Mon, 2011-03-07 15:51

that is a great fish any details???


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

Posts: 18

Date Joined: 21/02/11

got asked to help transfer a

Mon, 2011-03-07 16:08

got asked to help transfer a white boat from venuatu to makay QLD. trolled past an atoll were th water came from just over a 1000m up till 20. soon as went over the drop off two hook ups, one was lost...still got mine though aha


Posts: 18

Date Joined: 21/02/11

got asked to help transfer a

Mon, 2011-03-07 16:08

got asked to help transfer a white boat from venuatu to makay QLD. trolled past an atoll were th water came from just over a 1000m up till 20. soon as went over the drop off two hook ups, one was lost...still got mine though aha


spanishmackeral's picture

Posts: 940

Date Joined: 05/01/11

sweet fish, release or

Mon, 2011-03-07 16:08

sweet fish, release or dinner?

sammy85's picture

Posts: 831

Date Joined: 31/08/10

Good work mate one day I'll

Mon, 2011-03-07 17:13

Good work mate one day I'll get there haha...yeeooowww


 Plumber and gas fitter- 0415489103

cuthbad's picture

Posts: 1266

Date Joined: 22/04/09

Monster! nice work

Mon, 2011-03-07 17:18

Monster! nice work

PattyT's picture

Posts: 1025

Date Joined: 15/08/10

Dude! What a fish..

Mon, 2011-03-07 17:24

Dude! What a fish..