Sunrise pic for me, Dhu for my mate.
Headed out from Woodmans Point with most of the southern boating community at 0630 on Saturday morning. Plan of the day was quick bait run for squid then chasing the first intentional Pinky.
Rigged up a squid jig, lowered it down and started to wind up and noticed my line wasn't going around the spool. Closer inspection showed the steel (or 304g SS) screw holding the line feeder end of the bail arm had sheared....bail arm wasn't connected to the reel...shit.
African engineering didn't work, and this, being the first time I didn't bring a shed full of rods, left me with a 5 foot pink kids rod, loaded with 15lg 'shits and giggles' braid.
Headed out to FFB with one squid and start looking for a cray boat to stalk but only found the Jazz boat, hung around them for a tic before seeing a cray boat further out. Went out to chase them but realised they were not going to stop, we were on the back of the bank with all the gear but no idea.
Motoring onto the inshore side of a mound, we threw the drogue in, burley pots and started having a crack, me with useless plastics on a kids rod and my mate with some filleted herring frames.
10 minutes in, I had my first throw up off the side ever...when I look up, my mate is pulling something in. No head shakes but it looked substantial. We both wait patiently until a bloody Dhu pops up on the surface. Rapidly netted, measured (couple of cm over), put on ice and then the high 5's began.
We tried offshore for a few hours for nothing more before heading in via Mewstone but after counting 50 boats, we kept going. Towards the shipping channel for a go at whiting. Two from two drops then nothing, keep going south and the herring start.
Day ended with 1 Dhu, 12 herring, 1 Squid and one whiting, which ended up as bait for a salmon which took the fish and not the hook....oh and one spew.
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