Shark bay - possession limit decrease

I just came across the screenshot below, from good old FB. It sounds as though a trip/possession limit of 10kgs demersal will be introduced to the shark bay marine park. This was triggered by a bunch of Shark Bay locals that whinged about the amount of fish frames in the fillet table bins from the July 2020 school holidays. At the time, there was a long window of exceptional weather, and the problem was amplified by the regional bans being lifted just before the holidays, and the metro population not being able to travel internationally, generally taking their winter holidays between Kalbarri and Karratha  


from my understanding, recfishwest did a survey, and they and the consensus were against this proposal? I'm not sure if it's true yet, and still trying to get confirmation. But it's interesting that they are (apparently) introducing this without any studies on take, stocks, etc. 

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still trying's picture

Posts: 1071

Date Joined: 27/06/17

 I couldn't believe the crap

Fri, 2021-02-12 13:19

 I couldn't believe the crap news article last week saying that perth fish and chip shops were selling endangered shark what a load of crap, like you say most are selling bassa


 rather be fishing

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15036

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 And you pay a fortune for

Fri, 2021-02-12 13:35

 And you pay a fortune for it.


Love the West!

Curndog's picture

Posts: 449

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 Fuck me who reports this

Fri, 2021-02-12 14:56

 Fuck me who reports this shit

still trying's picture

Posts: 1071

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 Wa today was the news group

Fri, 2021-02-12 16:22

 Wa today was the news group that printed the article. 


 rather be fishing

sealure's picture

Posts: 115

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 The only real way to get a

Thu, 2021-02-11 08:08

 The only real way to get a politician to listen & act is through the electoral box. 
The Minister for Fisheries represents the Willagee electorate. 

If every recreational fisherman who wanted to get his attention to problems including sharks donated to his opponents in that electorate he might be more willing to take notice. 
Ideally one should choose the opposition to donate to as that would be a far greater threat. 
The most valuable commodity to a politician is his/her seat in Parliament. 
However as has been pointed out to me on many occasions trying to organise fishermen is much worse than trying to herd cats. 
I see no point in trying to support minor parties in such an effort as they are unlikely to pose a serious threat to the re-election of the standing member. 
Hence one would have to direct support to the Liberal candidate in his electorate to have any meaningful effect & this might not sit well with a significant number of recreational fishermen. 
As others have said Reckfish seems little more than a QUANGO. 

Any real fisherman in this State will quickly tell you that the biggest threat to sustainable fishing is sharks. 
Our major problem is getting the Fisheries Minister to listen & take measures to combat the problem short of banning fishing altogether. 

Mark_M's picture

Posts: 189

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Thu, 2021-02-11 15:53

The other way to get politicians to listen & act is through sheer numbers, and the best way to improve the leverage of the peak body (RFW) is through increased membership.

Imagine if even half of the estimated 750,000 rec anglers in WA joined RecFishWest: membership is free if you choose not to vote at the AGM, otherwise $25.

It is worth noting, that it was the Minister who asked RFW for input into the 'new' limits in October last year;

“In light of this recent change, l am seeking the views of Recfishwest on the appropriateness of proactive management to ensure all Western Australians can continue to enjoy healthy fish stocks and the lifestyle benefits that recreational fishing brings. In particular, I am interested in Recfishwest’s views on reviewing the current State-wide finfish possession limit as a means to ensure recreational fishers share the available catch evenly.”

RFW surveyed their members and although the response was from less then 900, RFW's submission was NOT to reduce the overall possession limit (in the current sitiuation) rather to specify the mix, demersal/pelagic. The increasing shark bite-off has a significant mention.

The full submission can be seen here:


Posts: 1342

Date Joined: 05/05/06

 Quango for sure!! I had to

Fri, 2021-02-12 17:56

 Quango for sure!! I had to google it tho! i

m sure 'the west' has an anti fishing stance.or at least a higher up who doesnt like fishing.


Bend over

Alan James's picture

Posts: 2237

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Money trail

Fri, 2021-02-12 18:31

Always follow the money trail.  That invariably explains why organisations come up with the recommendations they do.  The old expression about knowing which side of your bread is buttered comes to mind.

I'm not anti Recfishwest, it's just a shame they were not independent.   



chevaps's picture

Posts: 87

Date Joined: 04/01/13

FYI. Today's West talks about

Fri, 2021-02-12 09:17



Today's West talks about statewide demersal "trip limits" reduced to 10kg with the intent to have a 12 month trial in place before the start of the ususal northen fishing season.  I don't know if it's the media mincing words, but it sounds like it's not just confined to Shark Bay anymore.


There's also mention of allowing commercial shark fishing in the northern regions too.  Sounds like the fisheries minister is dangling the shark fishing carrot as an all or nothing proposal (i.e. the reduced limits and commercial shark fishing as a package).


i'm genuinely annoyed with the politics being played here.  One community cries about the quantity of fish being taken and now reduced limits and commercial shark fishing are on the agenda without wider consultation, despite the wider fishing community pleading with the government for years to greenlight commercial shark fishing.


Any suggestions on what we can do as a community to bring our voice to the table?  Too many closed door discussions going on.  I'll always be supportive of changes to limits if they are scientific and fact based decisions, but i do feel the current limits are appropriately calibrated and the current proposals affecting the majority are based on the cries of a few.







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trip limit

Fri, 2021-02-12 09:59

Hi Chevaps I think the reason they are going statewide is because other towns will start complaining soon if not already along the same grounds Denham locals have. The claims may or may not be valid but I'm sure the people involved just want to make one change statewide and move on, there will be paranoia that the so called freezer fillers will descend on other towns

This is why as some have mentioned once this legislation is approved its unlikely to ever go back to the current rules, RE Cockburn sound crabbing

As a community I say stick with RFW as a united voice, contact them and have your say along with the fisheries minister and your local member both in govt and opposition

Brock O's picture

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I dont agree with the

Fri, 2021-02-12 13:20

I dont agree with the decision given the period and who and how it was raised. Its sad how these things get some air time...before you know it a few more parties buy in and its racing and cant be stopped. Its a pitty the shark issue cant pick up steam like this.

To me it sounds like its already run its race....prepare for 10kg demersal limit state wide, given a top up of quality palagic's is not the end of a great trip away surely ?

I struggle with a $120 fuel bill just trying to catch 2 demersal, so feel for the crew that do invest a lot of money into there boats and trips once a year, I guess were in a similar boat now but can still enjoy the trip yeah.

I'm due for my 3rd trip to the abrohlos end of March on a charter, 2013 with a crew of 10 the boat caught our limit of 10kg with a day to spare, so some quality snorkeling and a few beers topped the trip off.
2015 we struggle for 7kg per head...this due to winds, possible skipper or fish not hungry, still a great trip. During the last few days of that trip we started to see a few more charter boats around...not sure how many large charters operate out of there, how many trips per season of full limits that must go from there and how long the place will hold up even at 10kg per person. Hard to tell and am interested to see how good the fishing quality is this trip.

Bag limits are reflective of people on the water fishing / fish taken via research. Maybe these locations north are now due for this given the population and boaties travelling...covid or not.

Posts: 1342

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 Im sure fisheries have used

Fri, 2021-02-12 18:29

 Im sure fisheries have used data gathered from a few licence holders and extrapolated the information, i dont know this for a fact but i had a call fom fisheries asking if i wanted to participate in a survey and 

i said yes until they started asking 'how many times do you go fishing per week? how much do you catch?  i said no thanks stated my reasons and hung up. i bet some people say they have caught more than what they actually have to get a bit of brag in.

Anyone know how fisheries use information from licence holders to assess fish stocks/ catches etc? I bet the way they add up their figures is not accurate or reflective of what rec fishos actually catch.  Weve got jazz charters going out decimating the local pinky population near on daily / sometimes twice daily but thats ok. do they have a quota they need to abide by? they should. Im still upset about the metro pinky bullcrap we had slapped on us if you hadnt guessed. This smells of something similar reagarding wreckfish and fisheries


Bend over

rob90's picture

Posts: 1533

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 Bypass the fish bins and

Fri, 2021-02-12 21:38

 Bypass the fish bins and feed the frames to the sharks. Then the sharks will become front and centre and the mayor will need to make his waters safer and start killing the sharks  bins will be empty so limit should stay.


 Hi my name is rob............. and I'm a........... fishaholic

Jackfrost80's picture

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Sat, 2021-02-13 08:38



Officially off the Pies bandwagon

still trying's picture

Posts: 1071

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 It does sound like the poor

Sat, 2021-02-13 06:01

 It does sound like the poor garbage truck driver was upset that his cushy little job from the past changed over afew weeks maybe he didn't get to the pub until 4. We all know that these country town people don't like people from Perth unfortunately with the way things are going to be for the next few years they are going to have to learn to deal with us, there will not be international travellers so their only income will be from us. As stated before they may end up biting the hand that feeds them. 


 rather be fishing

Posts: 4584

Date Joined: 01/02/10

 Maybe they should just

Sat, 2021-02-13 06:21

 Maybe they should just remove the fish bins. Stop the whole problem. 


Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?

Posts: 2925

Date Joined: 27/12/06

100% right

Sat, 2021-02-13 11:29

You are 100% right here dodgy, this was the problem in the first place, the bins had to be emptied more than normal 

now look where we are

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15036

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 They could always have put a

Sat, 2021-02-13 12:42

 They could always have put a rubbish skip there knowing of the sudden influx, but that's too much common sense. 


Love the West!

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Show me the numbers.

Sat, 2021-02-13 10:19

 Hello All

I've been a silent fan on FW for years but this recent swipe at recreational fisherman and yet another limit reduction has, again, proved our lifestyle is being eroded by the politicians, fisheries and OUR lobby groups. If the number of licences, the number of West Australians and the measured biomass of OUR resource was calculated to arrive at the 20kg trip limit, how can a 50% reduction in catch limit be justified?

Nothing has changed since COVID - the numbers are the same.

Secondly - to the fine people of Shark Bay, the Mayor, all Norwest country towns and whoever else believes that local fish stocks are theirs - apologies, they're not. The fishing resources of Western Australia are owned by the people of Western Australia - not the pollies, the fisheries etc. - the People OWN the Resource and the guardians are there to manage it - FOR US!

Where is the evidence? Where is the empirical data? Where are the data sets to justify a 50% reduction in catch limits? If you can't measure the problem - you can't control the outcome. Period. This decision is based on OPINIONS - not FACTS.

This "thin end of the wedge" law that will be passed will NEVER be repealed - our rights to fish OUR resource will be taken based on three wheely bins of fish frames that responsible fisherman paid $10k per year, to abide and comply with the laws of their state. They are not freezer fillers - they're good people who head North once per year to responsibly respect and farm the resource that they OWN.

RFW are compromised having to bow to the pollies in order to access capital. Totally understand their position, however, wouldn't a reduction to 15kg + 5kg of pelagics been a much fairer outcome with a sunset clause built into the law??? 

We do the right thing - most uf us anyway - and yet, our bag has been gutted again. The local two fish limit is ridiculous and should be doubled, One dhuie per person is more than fair with a boat limit of four but does that happen? Nope. 

Thirdly. Sharks.

Bigger sharks, breeding more, in plague proportion, gutting fish stocks and placing people at risk. They need to be farmed as a protein resource and MANAGED RESPONSIBLY. You wouldn't overstock a cattlestation. The downstream impact would be catastrophic and yet, that is exactly what is happening with the shark population along our coast. Take, not one more shark than necessary, to control the biomass and create a safe and healthy ecosystem for all.

Fourthly - Follow the money.

Why, if stocks are so depleted, is the money generated from the fishery not going back into stocking programs for Dhuies, Reds, Goldband, Snapper, Kingies. Where are the boatramps being built to world class standards. All I see is $400k Naiads and compliance officers - whom i personally respect greatly and thank. Why is money being syphoned off to other departments from OUR collective licences?


I hope the decision makers are watching this forum because we're watching you. One day, not too far away, you'll be accountable to the fishing folk of WA - Don't forget, there's a million of us. I'm almost ready to pick the fight and know well, you're shit scared of us uniting as one group. One year of licence money is a lot. One miillion votes will put you in Centrelink.

Leave our bag limits alone and DO YOUR JOB to manage it wisely or we'll get someone who will do it right. Be fair. Spend the money where it should be spent. Re-stock our fishery. Manage the sharks catastrophy. Build infrastructure, Stop pissing our money into other departments.

 "Ëveryone has a plan - Till you punch them in the face" Mike Tyson.


sealure's picture

Posts: 115

Date Joined: 19/05/12

 Some very valid points

Sat, 2021-02-13 12:27

 Some very valid points expressed. 
Reckfish  WA are indeed dependent on Government financial support & cannot independently represent our views. As I've previously said it's really a QUANGO.  Its total inability to address the Shark problem is testament to this. Hiding behind statements that there is no scientific evidence to support increasing Shark numbers is a total cop out. Not only have the numbers up north increased but they are now very big sharks as well. 
Reckfish WA seems to congratulate itself on the current outcome with respect to the 10kg limit. I'm not totally against that but it does very little if nothing to address the fact that I basically have to catch at least 40kg in order to keep 10kg because of the Shark problem. 

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15036

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 Agree Sealure, that whole

Sat, 2021-02-13 12:58

 Agree Sealure, that whole connection of Recfish and the government raises my eyebrows. They are not an independant body imo but alas there's no real alternative. As suggested  a 15kg demersal and 5kg Pelagic mix makes sense. We always take some Cobia and Mack home anyway. 


Love the West!

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 Couldnt agree more Formula,

Sat, 2021-02-13 17:51

 Couldnt agree more Formula, if you start the fight, ill back you up!  well said,  rec fishos are being steam rolled.  We need some transperancy from the bodies involved, like actual scientific data etc that they have based their decisions on. not some pathetic opinion based survey as supplied by wrecfish or as stricko said waste bins being too full. what a joke 


Bend over

Posts: 790

Date Joined: 25/05/12

 To be fair they did try a

Sun, 2021-02-14 06:50

 To be fair they did try a few attempts at a dhufish hatchery, but it was concluded that dhufish cannot be farmed... I recently made enquires about this... 

Posts: 227

Date Joined: 10/05/10

 Looking forward to what

Sat, 2021-02-13 11:47

 Looking forward to what other fisheries rules will be charged on the advice of a local council decision  damn why dtop at fisheries regulations I'm pretty sure most people in my electret would vote in favor of increasing the maximum speed limit .no need for fisheries research anymore we will just go on what the bloke emptying the bins reckons. 

Posts: 246

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 Personally, I think its good

Sat, 2021-02-13 12:03

 Personally, I think its good to see a Shire adressing an issue before it becomes a problem and not spending a fortune on a study to state the obvious.

Who better to keep an eye on the fish stocks than the locals?

If the locals are seeing twice the tourists, with twice the boats catching twice the fish, I reckon reducing the catch limit might stop further restrictions later when it later becomes a real problem.

Id much prefer the option of 10kg (which is still a shit load!) of fish than going back to the lottery system!

Takeing 40kg of fish for a family of 4 plus what you eat while in the area is plenty in my eyes and f you were doing it for the money value youd be better off buying fish.

Good to see a comunity with a proactive approach.

Posts: 246

Date Joined: 26/12/09

 Personally, I think its good

Sat, 2021-02-13 12:03

 Personally, I think its good to see a Shire adressing an issue before it becomes a problem and not spending a fortune on a study to state the obvious.

Who better to keep an eye on the fish stocks than the locals?

If the locals are seeing twice the tourists, with twice the boats catching twice the fish, I reckon reducing the catch limit might stop further restrictions later when it later becomes a real problem.

Id much prefer the option of 10kg (which is still a shit load!) of fish than going back to the lottery system!

Takeing 40kg of fish for a family of 4 plus what you eat while in the area is plenty in my eyes and f you were doing it for the money value youd be better off buying fish.

Good to see a comunity with a proactive approach.

Posts: 327

Date Joined: 03/08/19

No frame no problem

Sat, 2021-02-13 18:26

 If fish were filleted at sea or the frames were kept and returned to the sea on the next outing, the  bins would remain empty and local emotions kept under control. Personally I've never been interested in bringing home the max allowed by possession limits when fishing further north, despite opportunity. Have been more than happy to eat the daily fish or two while away and have enough for 3-4 family feeds frozen to bring home. While a big pile of frames in the local bin will get the gossip going, I think a bit of hard evidence of the total take and impact is needed before changing the rules . 

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15036

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 There's another aspect to be

Sat, 2021-02-13 18:37

 There's another aspect to be considered about those 'full' bins, did thye actually sort out what was demersal and what was pelagic. For all we know could've been full of Mackie frames and a few Spanglies thrown in for good measure lol. 


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I can't believe anyone

Sun, 2021-02-14 17:19

I can't believe anyone quantifies their enjoyment of the annual NW fishing trip to the fish they bring home, unless they have a missus at home that they have to justify the trip to through $ spent/kg of the return. 


Fish, drink and take the piss out of your mates for a week. Fresh fish all week and bring home 10kg. Dunno bout you but it won't stop me!





Marineboy's picture

Posts: 845

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Well said

Sun, 2021-02-14 19:20

a group of mates and I went to the Abrolhos islands for 10 years straight with a 10kg fillet limit, had an absolute blast and at the end of the day the take home fillets were just icing on the cake.  


 My spots are so secret even the fish don't know about them !

Curndog's picture

Posts: 449

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Fish for the future

Sun, 2021-02-14 20:34

I'm all for fishing for the future. Should we get rid of some sharks aswel marineboy? 

Marineboy's picture

Posts: 845

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Mon, 2021-02-15 08:28

you are a dickhead and so paranoid about sharks you missed the point, the point being if your fishing trips are purely based on putting maximum fillets in the freezer then you need a rethink. I like anyone love catching fish but first and foremost it’s enjoying time on the water with good people and to take home a feed is a bonus.  


 My spots are so secret even the fish don't know about them !

Curndog's picture

Posts: 449

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Mon, 2021-02-15 11:45

Lucky you don't live in the ocean Merman.. your easy to catch!! 

big john's picture

Posts: 8764

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Sun, 2021-02-14 19:34

The biggest issue is the constant erosion of rights, bit by bit. It's a bit like the constant erosion of firearm and hunting rights.

Some people agree, some people disagree, shit keeps sliding through.

Bag limits decrease (constantly), rarely increase.

Marine Parks keep happening, rec access rarely ever improves.

Licence fees keep increasing, never decreasing for less bag limit or access.

Always shrinking.



WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

Jigs available online in my web store!

Jackfrost80's picture

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Do you reckon the good

Sun, 2021-02-14 20:56

Do you reckon the good residents of the Shire of Shark Bay would be happy to sign up to an annual limit of 10kg of fillets from the region?


Officially off the Pies bandwagon

Posts: 246

Date Joined: 26/12/09

 I dont think anyone

Sun, 2021-03-14 06:27

 I dont think anyone suggested an annual 10kg limit did they??.....Just a possession limit?

PCracker's picture

Posts: 20

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Slight change of Subject

Sun, 2021-02-14 21:02

 Read today on Stalk book that the Mc Clown Gov have put a proposal to the fishers and shooters party ahead of the greens( Must be Worried)

Do your research before you Tick that box..


 Cheers  PCracker

big john's picture

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Sun, 2021-02-14 21:13

 What was the proposal?


WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

Jigs available online in my web store!

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Exactly Big John

Mon, 2021-02-15 08:09

 Please don't think I'm squealing about the bag limit reduction. That's not the key point.

The issue of the reduction is the erosion of our rights and the lack of accountability from the people who make these decision and pass the laws.

How can RFW act on our behalf when their paychecks come from government? Really!!!

The point is - where is the evidence to justify the decision - real data, calculated from unbiased subject experts working independantly? If OUR fishery is in trouble then i'm personally all for a justified reduction. This is, most definately, not the case here. This idea has been parked for years in hard drives of fisheries - which COVID created.

Dig a little deeper on number of sharks to be taken as well - and the conditions placed on the fishermen - it may be a joke as well. I may be cynical thinking the shark inclusion in the proposal is just a reacharouind but if we're serious about our stocks being truly protected, then a reduction in the shark biomass MUST be the first step towards protection - not a 50% reduction in our bag.

We take one trip per year which costs about $10K after all ins. We farm our grounds and take 2-3 fish, on electrics, to prevent the sharks setting in. We fish our lumps every 2-3 years. We value the fish we catch and treat it with respect. We do not take our extended family, and load up a freezer with 80kg's for a family of four (really!!!). I head back with 20kgs - often less - and feed my family for 6 months. I am fully compliant with the laws of WA.

What was once a 60km/hr driving zone is now a 30km/hr limit - yet - not one single proposal has been put forward to justify the decision. It's a Fkn whitewash.

Big John - 100%

15kg's + 5kgs Pelagics is fair for 12 months. Thin out the shark problem, the re-assess.

Posts: 30

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Last Post for 2021.

Mon, 2021-02-15 08:19

 Regarding Dhufish stocking and research.

It can be done - it's just the desire to do it and the money required to make it a reality. China landed a probe on Mars yesterday but we can't farm our own iconic Western Australian demersal. Gimme a break. Follow the money and see how much is pissed up the wall for other departments.

The really stupid part in all of this is that a Dhufarm would be such an economic asset to the state. Best fish in the world!

Rant over - I'm going to rig up and get ready for 10kg's of frozen Spaniard and soggy frozen Longtail..... Might even bring home a few Gold Spot Trev's as well for the inlaws.

Posts: 790

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 Dude I literally researched

Mon, 2021-02-15 22:41

 Dude I literally researched it because I thought the same thing....there's studies online and in the library about how they conducted the trials and why it's not possible.... as yet. 

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15036

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 It's a real shame when these

Mon, 2021-02-15 12:51

 It's a real shame when these threads degenerate into name calling and slurs, it detracts from what was actually a good thread so far. Like the shark thread that just spiralled into a farce.

We don't all agree on everything, that would be boring and unproductive so let's try and keep it measured and civil. I've been guilty of it in the past no doubt but when called on it always an apology via PM


Love the West!

Marineboy's picture

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Mon, 2021-02-15 15:17

apparently that’s an acceptable way to conduct yourself on this forum ! 


 My spots are so secret even the fish don't know about them !

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15036

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 If that's the way you roll

Mon, 2021-02-15 18:58

 If that's the way you roll then good onya, just don't direct it at me. I'm curious, whatever did happen to your mate Pesky? Leave or booted? 


Love the West!

Marineboy's picture

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Mon, 2021-02-15 19:16

actually it’s not the way I roll but many on this forum do and until someone decides to do some form of moderation that’s the way it will continue to roll, as for pescatore who knows what happened to him but highly unlikely he was booted because the rules on this forum are “there are no rules” people can abuse and slander other people and apparently that’s ok and until someone does anything about it then it will continue. 


 My spots are so secret even the fish don't know about them !

Curndog's picture

Posts: 449

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 You gotta have a bit of a

Mon, 2021-02-15 19:48

 You gotta have a bit of a laugh though. I got no hard feelings marineboy, you and I just have different views on sharks. Pestacore was next level though

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15036

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 Slander?? Really? I'd like

Mon, 2021-02-15 19:53

 Slander?? Really? I'd like to see some examples of that. Pretty serious accusation that can lead to litigation. Probably more bad form than anything, like making snide remarks about someone's wife. Not slanderous but more what I'd call a dog act. 


Love the West!

Jackfrost80's picture

Posts: 8156

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I can only see one person on

Mon, 2021-02-15 20:17

I can only see one person on here abusing others for not agreeing with their view of the world.


Officially off the Pies bandwagon

Marineboy's picture

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Mon, 2021-02-15 20:27

the meaning of slander is saying defaming or defamatory things about someone to one or more other people, pretty sure that happens on fishwrecked or I’m delusional ! 


 My spots are so secret even the fish don't know about them !

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15036

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 Where?Written defamation is

Mon, 2021-02-15 20:32


Written defamation is called "libel," while spoken defamation is called "slander." Defamation is not a crime, but it is a "tort" (a civil wrong, rather than a criminal wrong). A person who has been defamed can sue the person who did the defaming for damages.


Love the West!

Marineboy's picture

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Mon, 2021-02-15 21:07

regardless of what it is legally called, as stated in my above post without moderation it will continue to happen. 


 My spots are so secret even the fish don't know about them !

Posts: 630

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Might help

Tue, 2021-02-16 06:32


In Australia, defamation laws have been nationalised, with each Australian state adopting the Defamation Act 2005 (Cth). ... Although libel and slander are commonly used terms in US law and culture, they do not exist in Australia. Both written and spoken defamation are actionable torts and have the same defences.



Posts: 668

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Anyone know where pescatore

Tue, 2021-02-16 14:37

Anyone know where pescatore is? 

Stax's picture

Posts: 582

Date Joined: 05/02/10

Is Steep Point outside the Marine Park. Yes it is.

Mon, 2021-02-15 13:47

Lots of shouting going on. A long read, some cracker points and some misses. All things considered I think the 10KG limits are OK, would prefer they stayed at 20KG's


This is the SharkBay boundary for the Marine Park.

Steep Point is NOT in the Marine Park, unless this has changed.


scotto's picture

Posts: 2472

Date Joined: 21/04/08

Yeaaahhhh, buuuuuuttttt

Mon, 2021-02-15 18:52

From reading up a bit more on this over the last few days, the new possession limits will almost certainly be bought in state-wide, not just shark bay.  

Posts: 227

Date Joined: 10/05/10

 It's  a long shot but

Mon, 2021-02-15 21:11

 It's  a long shot but hopefully the fisheries will ignore recfish and the sharkbay shires proposal appease them with a presence at the  ramps this holidays research  and compliance getting a reference to go off they want frames sounds like the place to go. To change the rules of the whole state over what a local shire perceived at the end of a regional lock down ,schoo holidays,and some awesome weather to boot would be pulling the piss out of there own research divisions i would think. 

Posts: 23

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Managing expectations

Wed, 2021-02-17 13:24

    I have no idea whether the reduction in posession limits was premature on not. However I believe  the reduction  sooner rather than later will be  more sustainable for longer. The goverment has a big australia policy hence  the high imigration rates pre covid. This has many benefits but of concern to the boating fishing lifestyle it also introduces more boating participates and  increased demand for fish at the retail level.

Inevitably the rech fish limits are constantly changing and  trending down so if you believe the fish stocks are not increasing in line  with the population growth and the explosion in larger and better equiped boats that are roaming further and wider then the fish stocks will have to be shared out amongst the boating and retail fish buying community.

You really are share fishing; The  current rules around Fishing for the future  will be under review and pressure  while the boating community both expands and becomes better equiped,

You could view yourself as privliged to  have been able to access 20kgs of fillets and still fortunate to have access to 10kgs. Boating may well  slowly transition away from the focus on fishing. You could possibly  end up in the future Eco Fishing, buying a tag to catch a fish and these tags could even be expensive or limited by a ballot and should that happen the 10KG limit will be remebered fondly.

If the regulators have it all wrong and the fish stocks are standing up well to the increasing population and  fleet of large well equiped boats then we can look forward to a healthy fishery  in the future where getting 10kgs of fish fillets  will be easy

woody's picture

Posts: 617

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 This limit reduction doesn't

Mon, 2021-02-22 15:25

 This limit reduction doesn't bother me one bit. I catch enough fish in Esperance to keep my family in fillets. When I tow my boat up north every year  it's to have fun, see cool places and wildlife with the family and hopefully tick a few boxes by catching something we don't get on the south coast. If we get a feed it's a bonus and is usually eaten up there. 

Posts: 187

Date Joined: 10/04/12

 You can look at it lots of

Tue, 2021-02-23 10:08

 You can look at it lots of ways. Most of us spend a shit load of money to get up north, not just what we spend in the towns. In my view, the towns do deserve what they get if visitiation drops by pushing this, but also have every right to protect their interest. my frustrations and points are simply;

- commercial catch a hugely greater disproportional catch so they should be "penalised". ultimately the oceans belong to veryone not jst them / the gvernment.

- the survey is clearly not wide enough and my bias tells me it was directed to certain persons

- has the closure "no catch" period been considered?! 

Posts: 4

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Date of Limit Change

Sat, 2021-02-27 13:05

 What is this implemented from?

Posts: 4

Date Joined: 16/03/20

Date of Limit Change

Sat, 2021-02-27 13:05

 What is this implemented from?

BlueKiaser's picture

Posts: 422

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What are the numbers

Sat, 2021-02-27 22:53

I was just having a read through this thread and was amazed at the lack of understanding of the numbers/data involved with this discussion.
It took me just a few minutes to check out the last three available annual reports from the WA fisheries to see (as I suspected) that the amounts of demersals taken by recreational boat fishers in the Gascoyne Inner Shark Bay region is a small percentage compared to that taken by the Commercial fishermen.
In 2019, Pink Snapper catches were 176tonnes commercial and 22tonnes recreational.
In 2018, the stats shown are for all demersals and it was 277t vs 95-110t.
In 2017, Pink Snapper catches were 178t vs 15-20t.

And in all three of those years the catch rates were given a status of Acceptable.

(Once again this election I'll be voting for the Shooters, Fishers, Farmers party.)

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15036

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 Thanks for putting that up

Sun, 2021-02-28 09:06

 Thanks for putting that up mate, there are some here that refuse to see it in black and white. 


Love the West!

BlueKiaser's picture

Posts: 422

Date Joined: 22/04/15

My mistake, please ignore the above numbers

Sun, 2021-02-28 16:35

Please note that I have mis-interpretted my quick look at those annual fishing reports.

The 176tonnes of commercial catch was mostly netted whiting, mullet (scalefish) ... not pink snapper as I (read and then) stated.

So my numbers and my related theories using those numbers is simply wrong.

I will try to do some better research and provide a better and more impartial review later, but for now, I put my tail between my legs and wish to retract my couple of posts (my apologies, especially to Hezzy and recfishwest for not having a better read before posting).

timboon's picture

Posts: 2961

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 Lots of good points raised

Sun, 2021-02-28 01:12

 Lots of good points raised here....


Finally by some posts above it sounds as though the sharks might get looked at....


A great outcome would be halt the commercial demersal fishing up there and let em go ham on the sharks...


I also agree Formula about the Dhu breeding.... They can land shit on mars, They doing a full human head transplant soon!! Surely they can get fish to jizz in the right places...


Is anyone here good at getting some sort of petition going? Somewhere we here can get the ball rolling and at least get a few hundred emails heading in the right direction highlighting our concern for no scientific data and also the impact the sharks are having first hand when trying to get a feed....






hezzy's picture

Posts: 1521

Date Joined: 27/11/09

lots of comments for all

Sun, 2021-02-28 07:01

lots of comments

for all those bagging rec fishwest id ask you

do you understand how they operate at all ?

have you ever read their financials ?or yearly statements ?

have you ever attended a meeting ?/

have you ever put your hand up to be on the board ??

did you fill in the any of the surveys ??

back in the day about a decade ago , the board argued for a got the ability to add the emails of all punters who bought a fishing licence so they could be asked for input and sent news updates etc , such things as surveys for example re this demersal push by the minister ,, given there are well over a 100 000 + licence holders is a sad reflection that less that a 1000 can be fked to fill one in and respond ...

highly likely the fisheries dept and minister gave recfish west a very short time line to respond to their proposed change in limits .as that is what they often do ,,,just put changes forward with min time frames to respond ... so they did the best they could for rec fishers with a poor input base to use as the result shows ....

imo rec fishers should be a little ashamed of there own apathy to lobby and participate ......if you want to look in a mirror ,,just ask your self individually how have you got involved with them ,,easy to blame , much harder to get involved and committ to making change happen

and yes i was on the board and iv seen how this works ,,,,,,,i got into it back around 2007 as like a lot of you guys i felt the same and expressed some of the same sentiment until i got involved ... everyone is busy nowdays ,,,but if you care you committ ,,,,,,,,,,

board meeting where monthly ,,at 5pm weeknights ,,,i drove from bunbury to waterman every month , attended a 2 hour plus meeting and then drove back home often getting home at midnight .

lots of proposals are stopped long before you guys ever hear of them ,

many of those making comments live in metro , ask yourself how much have you given to fully understand how this body works or advocate to stop the erosion of change as for being a QUANGO ..far from it ime

dhuifish farming ?? read up on their biology , understand how dam difficult and expensive that is even today ,,,its not your run of the mill aquaculture , if it where viable it would be happening ,, same as abalone or crab etc

id also ask people to think about how the ramps look nowdays ??? the boats you see when your there ? most have gps , big sounders , and access to weather forecasts etc etc ...... protecting the future is a massive issue .we always need to keep sustainability in the mind set ....sometimes even when we dont like it im not afan of this change ,,, but it shows mr tinley will do it as he has everyone in wa thinking labour are gods ,,,,,,winning with mr 91% no wonder it will pass through and be done ..... it does not need science ,as there is min to no voter backlash against it ...why ,,, the gov looks at that piss poor survey input and says well most recs dont care enough to respond let alone cause a ripple or backlash to it

feel free to fire away ,, but before you do ,,think about it and be honest if you have really done you bit to stop it happening

no excuses



OFW 11

evil flourishes when good men do nothing


Posts: 227

Date Joined: 10/05/10

 The thing that pisses me off

Sun, 2021-02-28 08:59

 The thing that pisses me off the most about this is that it was rec fish who proposed to make this stae wide also the ten kilo demersal and ten paljic from what i saw in there survey was put up in the comments section and was one of the one's with the least a long time member of rec fish i feel sold out I'm sure they could have negotiated a far better deal considering this was a knee jerk proposal put forward by a green based shire council and not a very big one at that with no scientific research or data to back it. 

hezzy's picture

Posts: 1521

Date Joined: 27/11/09

An update on the State-wide

Sun, 2021-02-28 09:56

An update on the State-wide possession limit review
February 10, 2021

During 2020, COVID-19 interstate and international travel restrictions saw many regional town centres experience an influx of domestic tourism which promoted many local fishers to contact Recfishwest concerned about the potential impact on local fish populations.

Having also been contacted by concerned community members, Fisheries Minister Peter Tinley asked Recfishwest in September last year for advice about the appropriateness of the current State-wide possession limit.

Recfishwest’s fishing possession limit submission to Minister Tinley reflected the fishing community’s feedback.
To inform our submission to the Minister, Recfishwest carried out a survey of our members and spoke to various leaders within the recreational fishing community.

“Our survey was accessed by 875 people and had a 92 per cent completion rate demonstrating the importance of this issue and I would like to thank all of you who took the time to fill out the survey for your well-articulated responses,” Recfishwest CEO Dr Andrew Rowland said.

Recfishwest provided advice to Minister Tinley in December, which can be found by clicking the link below.

Subsequently, Recfishwest has recently received correspondence from the Minister regarding its submission with Dr Rowland writing to members to provide an update.

Dr Rowland said Recfishwest’s submission to Minister Tinley reflected the feedback Recfishwest had received from the fishing community.

“The clear message from fishers was that protection of our fish stocks is best undertaken by implementing a range of measures rather than just changing the possession limit,” he said.

“These measures include addressing shark bite-offs, regional education and compliance presence and addressing the high level of latent effort within the charter sector.”


Recfishwest’s key recommendations to Minister Tinley included:

Maintaining the current possession limit at a person’s principal place of residence and establish a “trip limit” to cap the amount of demersal fillets that can be brought home from a fishing holiday. Recfishwest advised the Minister we would support a trip limit of;
20kg of fillets where no more than 10kg can comprise demersal fish, or
10kg of fillets plus one day’s bag limit of whole fish, or
Two days’ bag limit of whole fish.
This “trip limit” arrangement should be temporary and reviewed after 12 months or when WA’s current border restrictions are relaxed.
Prioritising action and resources to address the current shark bite-off problem – start by allowing commercial fishers in the Gascoyne, Pilbara and Kimberley to retain shark catches each fishing trip;
Reversing the recent decision to close some regional fisheries offices to the public and continue to improve on-ground presence of fisheries compliance officers;
Action to address the high level of latent effort within the charter sector through licence reform to protect existing genuine charter operators;
Any changes to the current State-wide possession limit should not apply to extended live
aboard charter trip clients.
Amending existing fishing regulations including;
Removing the rules related to filleting at sea – which includes a minimum fillet length of 30cm applying to all fish with a minimum size limit – and also ensuring large fish cut into pieces for easier storage are regarded as a single fish rather than two separate fish.
Applying the release weight provisions State-wide.

It’s important to have a long-term view and make sure current border restrictions, resulting in more people holidaying at home and enjoying fishing, do not adversely impact on our fishing experiences in the future.
Making sure demersal fish stocks are protected

“In relation to the trip limit recommendations, it’s crucial to take a far-sighted view and make sure current border restrictions, resulting in more people holidaying at home and enjoying fishing, do not adversely impact on our fishing experiences in the future,” said Dr Rowland.

Given the lack of quantitative data around potential recent changes in recreational catches, Recfishwest recommended to the Minister that the 10kg demersal trip limit should only apply for a period of 12 months before being reviewed, or while COVID-19 restrictions remain in place.

“These proposed arrangements will give increased protection to the more vulnerable slower growing demersal species while allowing fishers to make up their 20kg possession limit with other species such as Spanish mackerel, cobia and yellowtail kingfish,” Dr Rowland said.

“We informed the Minister our recommendations were not supported in isolation and should be implemented as a package.”

The proposed arrangements will give increased protection to the more vulnerable slower growing demersal species.
The Minister’s response and next steps

Minister Tinley has recently advised Recfishwest that he is broadly supportive of our recommendations and that he has directed DPIRD to begin drafting amendments to the Fish Resources Management Regulations.

DPIRD has confirmed this drafting will involve input from Recfishwest to ensure any regulation changes are introduced efficiently, effectively and fairly – ultimately benefitting all of our future fishing experiences.

“It is expected these regulations will be implemented towards the end of March or early April and reviewed after 12 months,” Dr Rowland said.

“These are positive outcomes obtained through a positive consultation process and I would like to thank Minister Tinley for providing Recfishwest time to properly consult and consider the wide views of our sector in providing him with advice.

“We are pleased the Minister did not act unilaterally based on the concerns of individuals or single points of view, but rather took the time to listen to and support the views of the recreational fishing community.”

Under the recommendations, fishers will be able to make up their 20kg possession with popular pelagic species like Spanish mackerel. Picture: Western Angler


OFW 11

evil flourishes when good men do nothing


Posts: 5812

Date Joined: 18/01/12

 To clarify one of the RFW

Sun, 2021-02-28 10:47

 To clarify one of the RFW points which were unclear in this press release.

  • "Removing the rules related to filleting at sea – which includes a minimum fillet length of 30cm applying to all fish with a minimum size limit – and also ensuring large fish cut into pieces for easier storage are regarded as a single fish rather than two separate fish."
    Poorly worded, I queried it as to whether it referred to disallowing filletting or if it was other changes. It is removal of the 30cm rule which clearly has no direct connection to actual fish sizes

 Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...



The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

Everyone's just winging it.


BlueKiaser's picture

Posts: 422

Date Joined: 22/04/15

Recfishwest do not speak for me

Sun, 2021-02-28 11:00

I do appreciate your efforts Hezzy for trying to get involved with Recfishwest to make a change and also your posts regarding this.
BUT, the reason why I have little time for Recfishwest is because of what you have just posted.

From what I understand (from reading above posts), these proposed changes in limits have been created by Covid19, "anecdotal" evidence and seemingly whinging from locals about their fishing stocks.
I'm a numbers man and don't care much for emotive and subjective reasons behind new law changes ... so where are the numbers to justify these changes?
I see none other than anecdotal reports of almost a tonne of fish scraps during peak time at a fish cleaning location in Shark Bay.
How that can be used as a primary justification for a rule change is beyond me.

If there was good evidence showing Recreational boat fishers were now putting an extra 20% (even 10%) pressure on our fish stocks, then I too would be concerned. But the official data, as provided by our WA Fisheries departments tells me that is simply not happening.
Let's use my previously stated 2019 numbers for Shark Bay;
 - Commercial fishers took 176t for the year and Recreational took 22t of Pinkies.
 - Let's assume that in 2020, due to Covid19 and increased fishing pressures by the Recreational boat fishers that went from 22t up to 33t (a whopping 50% increase by the Recs).
That equates to just a ((176t + 33t) / (176t + 22t)) = 5.6% overall increase.

That is, once again, Recfishwest totally ignore the impact of the commercial fishermen when addressing a rule change.
And that is what has peeved me off with Recfishwest for decades.

Posts: 5812

Date Joined: 18/01/12

 I don't have time to

Sun, 2021-02-28 11:08

 I don't have time to research your numbers, and no reason to dispute them.

But I think you will find that the entire commercial catch of pinkies is from outside shark bay while the recreational is primarily inside which not so long ago was critical and from memory a seperate biomass entirely.

One thing that I did find galling to do with this was the strong opposition to commercial fishermen trapping snapper to avoid shark depredation a couple of years back.

Trapping, while resulting in somewhat lower quality fish, also avoids sharks completely.

A friend of mine traps on the NW shelf and manages to maintain top quality product.


 Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...



The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

Everyone's just winging it.


hezzy's picture

Posts: 1521

Date Joined: 27/11/09

blue kaiser ... that is the

Sun, 2021-02-28 15:57

blue kaiser ...

that is the point of the joining and participating .......not walking when it gets a little tough and the outcomes dont always suit but staying positive and getting your voice heard

sometimes it has f all to with numbers or science ,,, sometimes it is just a feel good idea or politicians response to a public outcry ,,,not based on science or numbers ..just a public emotion that ''something needs to be done '' like drum lining for sharks .they spent over $600 000 in the first year to catch no great whites .
.banning stingray take at hamelin bay , making them protected in that small area science ,,,just emotion based with a bit of tourism thrown in ..

how can this be used to make rule changes ??/ simple you have a current gov who most people think is led by a bloke who can walk on water ,,,they know they can do anything and the public will still think there messiahs if they spin it right

you have to understand the minister likley has little to no fishing experience and will rely on ''others '' to guide him and how he makes policy ,, your voices need to be a very large part of that

this is the case in shark bay ,,,,, the locals dont care if the possession limit is reduced ,they can go when they want ,, the shire want to support the locals and get something done ,,, the minister would like to win the seat back of the nationals ....... it is held by about 8 % by a bloke who was a labor man , and has history with them ,, but defected to the nationals ,,,,,, in the current climate its a possible swing seat ,and these types of political move help do that ,,even if ever so slightly

and dont forget fisheries dept and the minister where blistered up there and statewide for years due to there lack of action back in the 80/90s when rec fishers did rape the snapper stocks in both gulfs ...filling freezers galore ,,, i personally know of some crew who took 280 snapper in a fortnight ,,, family in tow and caused the snapper stock to collapse this a sensitive area ???/ hell yes imo ...... no one is ever going to want to be responsible for that happening again ,,,,,

commercials dont take stuff all in the gulfs there totally irrelevant to the debate and thus would not be added if you wanted your submission to look professional and based on merit ,,remember your dealing with the guys in the dept that supply the minister with direction who ''know this stuff ''it is their bread and butter ,, if one part of your submission looks weak then it all becomes cloudy and easily dismissed

then throw in its a world heritage area,,, wilderness fishing is preffered into the future as you head north etc etc

i sat in on a meeting with ex fisheries minister norman moore ,one time around 2010 where he quite frankly told all of us present in his office the rec bag limit for crays was being dropped from 8 to 6 ..... not because recs had any impact on lowering the biomass,as he knew they had not .. but purely because he needed to have recs ''give up something '' so he could sell the reduction package to WAFIC and the wider public .so .that it was an across the board reduction by everyone ,,,,,,,,,,,,, f all science involved or ''numbers ''

another example is the 20 metre rope rule and whale rope on your cray pots ...... no recs have possibly ever entangled a bloody whale ...but it was put on us as well as the pros to appease the green /enviro groups ....... no science , no numbers ...... just a rule that looks good and hits the emotion button for non fishers satisfactorily ,,, another highly sensitive public feel good management change

people may condemm recfishwest for surveying the punters and then that shamefully low 875 out of possibly 750 000 who did respond had their data used to come out with a reply to the minister that might find some middle ground ,,,, did anyone stop and consider what the minister may have come up with if recfishwest did not respond as they did ?? or responded by just saying no change needed get f ed [ you can bet your arse the minister was going to make a change anyway ,,,,and it certainly would have been lowering it, based on advice by blokes like leon and others with vested interests at play .. in the current climate this may be the best outcome they where ever going to get from the minister .and possibly alot better result than he and dept had come up with ... yet the fishing public who largely are apathetic condemm rec fishwest for the result ?

go figure there is some irony in that


OFW 11

evil flourishes when good men do nothing


BlueKiaser's picture

Posts: 422

Date Joined: 22/04/15

My commercial catch rate numbers were very wrong

Sun, 2021-02-28 16:41

 Sorry, but I had a better read of the data in the fisheries annual reports and I have wrongly stated the commercial Pink Snapper and demersal catch rates.

I'll try to find some better data and present something more accurate later. Which will no doubt tell a significantly different story to my previous two erroneous posts.
My apologies.

Posts: 5812

Date Joined: 18/01/12


Sun, 2021-02-28 16:47

 Its all good mate, the good thing is it sparks some debate and discussion on the issues and just maybe kicks a couple of people closer to "putting their hand up" to contributing at the coal face of this stuff.


 Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...



The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

Everyone's just winging it.


hezzy's picture

Posts: 1521

Date Joined: 27/11/09

blue kaiser .. yeh all good

Sun, 2021-02-28 17:01

blue kaiser ..

yeh all good mate need to apologise

im just trying to lay out the way this stuff works ..sort off

its not exact and it depends on a whole lot of variables, like the species ,region stakeholders, history ,science , emotions , public sentiment , politics etc

hopefully it might add to the understanding or iv type a lotup for bugger all lol



OFW 11

evil flourishes when good men do nothing


Matches11's picture

Posts: 13

Date Joined: 27/10/13

Good discussion

Sun, 2021-02-28 23:59

Hi All, I’m enjoying the discussion. I think most fishers would happily accept a reduction in carry or catch limits if it is scientifically proven that the reduction was required for a sustainable fishery into the future.  But, with no scientific measure any reduction is going to be hard to swallow.

And if there is no valid measure how do you land at a 50% reduction?  Why not 75% or 25%? Then at the end of the reduction period (if there is an end) what measure is to be used to justify keeping or relaxing the restrictions?

I’ll declare I’m one of those fishers that do an annual trip up north for a week with mates. Have been doing it for 20 years and it’s just as much about escaping the daily grind and enjoying my mates company as it is coming back with a decent feed of quality fish.  Reducing the demersal limit to 10kg is not going ruin our trip as we struggle to get more than 13-14kg on most trips anyway. It just means we’ll be more diligent filleting by removing rib cages resulting in lighter fillets and maybe target pelagic fish a bit more.

All up, the amount of fish we catch and keep is not going to change much, and our catch still going to be dwarfed by the tubs full of fish by charter operators who aren’t going to be impacted much by this as most of their customers only head out once are happy with their 5kg - good luck to them.

It just seems this is more about oiling the squeaky wheel than any real impact on sustainable fishing.  The fishers that have the time and the gear (& the skill) to catch & carry more than the proposed 10kg limit would be such a small percentage of the total rec fishers out there. Which means if this gets implemented there will be negligible reduction in fish caught in the whole scheme of things IMO. Therefore, what’s the point?




Archiem's picture

Posts: 1

Date Joined: 06/03/21

 Hi does anyone know when

Wed, 2021-03-10 08:56

 Hi does anyone know when these changes come into effect im at steep point from 19 th march then upto coral bay from 27th march and home around 7 th april cheers in advance



 Archiem living the dream 

Posts: 2086

Date Joined: 16/05/09

 Got an election happening so

Wed, 2021-03-10 17:26

 Got an election happening so I wouldn't expect changes until the bullshit settles, but who knows....