Mandurah report
Weather looked great on seabreeze and was good considering they are usually pretty conservitave. Headed from Port Bouvard around 6 with my lovely wife Kelly & 4 keen customers, with 240 degrees on the compass I eased the big girl up to 2700rpm and a comfortable 20kts and sat back with my coffee contemplating the day ahead.
Some birds worked a bait school and the tuna broke the surface so we pulled up for a quick troll to get the day started. The small school soon went back into the depths and we dicided to continue empty handed.
Arrived at our destination in 42m (a couple of patches of ground that had been productive for us in the past) deployed the lines and quickly picked up a nice pinkie, black arse, kgw and a few other randoms. Good to see the other boats in the vicinity come over to say gday and see how we are going, usually doing a lap around our boat just out of 16oz sinker throwing range (b@#$%^&s). After a boat set up a drift straight in front of us we pulled up and moved.
A quick 15min steam put us at the 50m where a couple of long drifts to the south put a couple of dhuies in the esky and a couple released sucessfully with the release weight. Kelly did battle with something that looked real good, pulling hard with some short runs. Up comes a sting ray from the depths, a first for her and she described it as wierdest fighting thing she had caught.
Headed back in to 40m but a lot further south than before and caught a harliquin fish, queen snapper, kgw and released another undersize dhuie. Almost time to head in and and one of the customers informs me he had never caught a dhuie before and it was on his wish list. Moved to a spot we call DC (dhuie central) and dropped in for 1 last drift. Double hookup, the dhuie virgin knocked his over pretty quick and he was no longer dhuieless, a fine 56cm version was secsessfully released by kelly while I struggled with my beast. After a good fight the fish broke the surface and revealed itself as a fine speciman of a dhufish. The big fella pulled the scales down to 16kg and was shared between the two people that didnt have a dhufish in the esky.
A good day on the water, happy customers and the skipper with the fish of the day!
Posts: 341
Date Joined: 23/10/09
dhu there mickw too bad about the fleas jumping on ya mayb get a spud gun and fire one over thier bow
Blank Cheque
Posts: 221
Date Joined: 28/03/09
Nice fish
Yep the old weekend/Holiday boaters are somewhat of a problem down our way for sure. I try and fish weekdays now for that same reason.
Its a little late to head home early
Posts: 977
Date Joined: 19/01/10
Hey! Thats me . But that's
Hey! Thats me
But that's why we never catch anything! I think we have caught one KGW from our last 5 trips out! We'll keep plodding/plotting along though. Might have to book a spot on board the charter to get a dhuie myself???
I fish for the future - Cause I can't bloody catch anything!
Posts: 1676
Date Joined: 12/07/09
good stuff mate shareing is
good stuff mate
shareing is caring haha.
cheers danno
Posts: 486
Date Joined: 16/10/09
nice work mate good to see
nice work mate
good to see some ppl catching things off mandurah as we still have no luck 3 attempts in 2 weeks with not 1 fish. oh well.
Posts: 1005
Date Joined: 12/05/09
Hey Mick and
Hey Mick and Kelly.......good to see you can put customers on the fish in both Broome and Mandurah! Did Kelly muster up some of those tasty toasted sandwiches to start the day off?? Great report to mate.
The Kimberley....perfect one day and more perfect the next!!!
Posts: 60
Date Joined: 01/02/09
Toasties all round as usual
Toasties all round as usual PJ.
Keep trying roddo the fish are there don't be too fussed about looking for big structure on the sounder.
Posts: 2258
Date Joined: 27/06/08
Nice catch Mick! Got to get a fishwrecked charter happening next week i think!
Posts: 1396
Date Joined: 25/06/09
Nice one Wade
I have booked for friday the week after:D Let me know how you go, but dont catch all the fish!