Interesting overseas parallels

Check out this link to what is happening in California at the moment.



Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)

Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club

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Posts: 8768

Date Joined: 20/07/06


Sun, 2006-08-13 10:42

Will see more and more of this happening around the globe.

Personally I think a lot of the declining fish populations are linked to illegal fisherman, or more to the point, nations with access to a another fishery that flout the regulations imposed.

A case in point is the articles appearing in the weekend papers regarding the Japanese theft of $2 billion worth of southern bluefin tuna (taking well over agreed quotas). Whats going to happen? I'd say as Australia is trying to develop bilateral security arrangements with Japan, nothing (they won't want to rock the boat)!



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Sun, 2006-08-13 11:00

Sounds just like W.A. But as Big John has pointed out, could be anywhere around the world these days. So many different vested groups, someone's always gotta 'lose' even if they may win in the bigger picture. Sometimes its hard to see the forest from the trees.


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"The one supported by

Thu, 2006-08-17 16:25

"The one supported by fishermen, for example, would put 5 percent of Central Coast waters off limits to all commercial and recreational fishing. The environmentalists' plan goes furthest. It would set 13 percent off limits. In the middle, a plan drawn up by a "blue ribbon task force" of Schwarzenegger appointees would place 10 percent off limits. And the recommendation from the state Department of Fish and Game staff calls for 8 percent off limits."

Big difference between here and there seems to be the lack of blanket calls for 30-50% no-take zones that some lobby groups continually push for in WA...and we're talking about Commiefornia here too!

5%-13% would be easier to manage and police.

Be interesting to see if they include shore based no-take zones in their proposals.