Fitting a charge rectifier/regulator to a 30hp Johnson 2000 model
Submitted by trout1105 on Wed, 2022-03-30 07:56
I have an older Johson 30Hp outboard that I need to fit a voltage regulato/rectifier to so that it can charge a battery to run the bilge pump, sounder etc.
The engine does have a charging coil fitted But instead of just 2 yellow wires coming out of it like on the Yamaha engines this one has 3 wires, 2x yellow and a yellow/blue wire.
Anyone here know which wires go where , I am assuming that the 2x yellow wires are for the AC current But the yellow/blue wire has me stumped.
Posts: 1035
Date Joined: 15/08/11
I remember doing this a few
Cant help on the wires.
I remember doing this a few years ago and from memory the output was bloody terrible to the point that I didn't bother and just upgraded to a decent capacity battery that would last for days on end and when out of the water just left the CTEK charger connected up.
Posts: 28
Date Joined: 03/07/09
From memory the put out
From memory the put out about 6A, Not much really But plenty to run a sounder and the bilge pump occasionally.
The regulator/rectifier only cost $30 so it is worth a shot.
still trying
Posts: 1075
Date Joined: 27/06/17
I fitted one to my 30hp
I fitted one to my 30hp yamaha and it was awesome never had to charge the battery again, until I burnt out the rectifier.
rather be fishing
Posts: 28
Date Joined: 03/07/09
Fitted the rectifier/voltage
Fitted the rectifier/voltage regulator today.
All three yellow wires connect to the regulator with a + wire coming from the unit .
All i had to do was earth the - lead and connect up the + to the battery.
14V at 7A, Not a mass of power but plenty to keep the battery charged and run a little sounder and bilge pump occasionally.