Tohatsu Outboards

The bro in law has finally bitten the bullet and decided on solving the repowering issue on his Quinny (after the old johnno gave up the ghost).He has decided on a Tohatsu 50hp 2-stroke with direct oil injection and electric trim and tilt.The write up on the outboards seems pretty good (it is more a workhorse than a pretty thoroughbred) but would like your comments if you have had experience with these brand of outboards and how you rate them.Will give updates on how the outboard performs so hopefully it will help someone else out if they are in the same predicament when choosing a new power plant for their tub.Anyhow prethanks for any info that is given in response to this post.

Hey Adam dont know if this could remain a permanent post for information purposes with regards to forum users opinions on various outboards performance,etc and the type of boat they are hooked up to.I know when we originally were looking for a new power plant it was sometimes hard to find any "personal information" on how outboards performed (I reckon this type of info is better most of the time than the speal you get from the supplier or manufacturer of the outboard as generally there is no bias (wwweeelll most of the time anyhow)towards one outboard from another).Let me know what you think.
Cheers OX