2009.... Representing many new challenges and opportunities.
2009.... Representing many new challenges and opportunities
Dear Valued Member of Recfishwest,
Recfishwest is very much looking forward to meeting the considerable and diverse challenges presented in 2009. In many respects, 2009 will be the year when recreational fishing receives the profile and prominence which it deserves. However, with that comes additional responsibility and a need to ensure that recreational fishers act responsibly with respect to sustainability of the resource.
In 2009 we have a new Minister, Hon Norman Moore, who has considerable experience in government and who is senior within Cabinet. We also have a new CEO of the Department of Fisheries, Stuart Smith, and a commitment to develop stronger partnerships with groups like Recfishwest.
The 'Casting around the Internet' newsletter http://www.recfishwest.org.au/CastingAround.htm has been extremely successful, but a number of our members do not have any or a current email address and we value their views on management issues. Here are some of the major issues which Recfishwest expects to be prominent during this critical year.
1. Implementation of management arrangements for the West Coast demersal species
Immediately prior to the state election, the previous Minister for Fisheries, Jon Ford, released his decision on what he called the management of the vulnerable 5 species in the West Coast bioregion. The decision which included a closed season was not gazetted before the election was called. Given the significance of this decision and the hot debate amongst the recreational fishing public, the Liberal Party, which subsequently formed government, made a commitment to review both the science that sat behind the decision and the management processes which were used.
Mr Peter Neville, a former director of Queensland Fisheries and current Chairman of the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation will review the management process, while Dr Michael O'Neill, a Queensland researcher, will be reviewer of the research finding and processes.
The Minister is committed to progressing this review by the middle of March 2009 and an announcement will be made shortly thereafter about future management arrangements. The good news is that in the opinion of the Recfishwest Board -
1. Everyone accepts that there is a major problem with WA dhufish in particular.
2. Everyone agrees that we have to act now or much stronger action will have to be taken in the future.
3. We need support of the community to make it work.
The form that future management will take, the methods to assess its effectiveness and the responses to future management if recovery targets are not met or are exceeded, will be focus for discussions. The new Minister is of a view that Recfishwest should be the primary voice for the recreational sector on this issue and we will be asking for your views.
2. Future consultative structures and Recfishwest
One of the significant changes to result from the Integrated Fisheries Management (IFM) system will be to better define the roles and responsibilities of the commercial and recreational sectors in managing their share of the resource. This will require a system where commercial and recreational representatives can come together to discuss management arrangements in an equitable manner. This is likely to be done at the bioregional level and will replace the existing Management Advisory Committee (MAC) system.
It will require a re-examination of the regional recreational consultative structures to revitalize community input in regional areas. It is likely that Recfishwest will play a much greater role in the future and this will also require a re-examination of the Recfishwest Board structure to ensure greater input from regional areas.
It is expected that exciting changes will be discussed with our members and regional representatives in the first half of 2009.
3. Partnerships
Following on from changes to consultative structures, there is also an opportunity to strengthen partnerships between Recfishwest and the Department of Fisheries and Recfishwest with regional fishing groups. There is scope to improve the administration of projects such as log books, pamphlet production and extension activities such as fishing clinics between the Department and Recfishwest.
We look forward to previous systems such as existed with the Samson Science program and the tagging of snapper and dhufish to have greater involvement and ownership of research programs. We hope to be able to work even more closely with groups such as Broome Fishing Club, Nichol Bay Sportfishing Club, Bremer Bay Fishing Club, the bream tournaments and many others to develop special projects of benefit to regional fisheries management. Let us know your ideas.
4. The need for better services for recreational fishing
For a variety of reasons, recreational fisher and community expectation is increasing for better servicing of the recreational fishing sector. There is a need for more responsive management measures and better consultation, more field officers to police new rules, more commercial fishing buy-backs and better catch and economic information will all cost more money rather than less.
This will pose a considerable challenge as consolidated funding is decreasing while our expectations are rapidly increasing. It is expected that during 2009 there will be considerable debate on recreational licensing as a possible measure to meet the increasing demands on fisheries management. No doubt this will be hotly debated, but you have an assurance that Recfishwest will be ensuring that any additional funds raised will be for new initiatives and that the funds will be administered by recreational fishers for projects which they determine are important.
5. Recfishwest Membership
Recfishwest is the peak body representing the interests of recreational fishers in Western Australia. Last year when the organization was under threat, recreational fishers supported Recfishwest, but we need you to continue that support.
Decisions to be made in 2009 will affect future fishing opportunities for your children and grandchildren. Recfishwest intends meeting these challenges and assures you that we will be the most effective vehicle for getting your views heard in this crucial year.
Recfishwest is your public voice whenever decisions which affect our fisheries, or access to them, are being made. We want you to become a member of Recfishwest or to renew your membership. Membership costs only $20 a year per person, $40 for families and $10 for seniors.
Please contact the office on (08) 9246 3366, email to or apply at the Recfishwest website, http://www.recfishwest.org.au/MembershipDet.htm Together we can make a difference!!
Frank Prokop
Executive Director
Beavering away in the background.......
Recfishwest - looking after YOUR recreational fishing future. http://www.recfishwest.org.au/
You need Recfishwest to look after your recreational fishing interests. Who else has the time, the knowledge, the professional approach, the realistic alternatives, the willingness and the contacts?
Recfishwest needs YOUR support. We would really like you to become a member, get involved and help us. http://www.recfishwest.org.au/MembershipDet.htm
Tell us what you think and ask us to explain anything you don't agree with.
You are the ones who benefit when Recfishwest succeeds, or you will lose out if Recfishwest is ignored.
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